Getting insurance rates is a process that requires plenty of research. You are going to get a bunch of quotes from various car insurance companies, so take your time when choosing the best one. The process is not always that easy, however. There are many factors that can affect the insurance rate and you must be aware of all of them. In this article, we are going to be answering a similar question; do non-moving violations affect insurance? Before we answer this question, let us first understand what is the difference between a moving and non-moving violations.
The name is self-explanatory. A moving violation is any violation you coming while you are driving your car. On the other hand, a non-moving violation can take place when your car is parked and you are not actually driving it. Consequently, this usually means that the later violations are usually much cheaper compared to the former ones. Some of the most common non-moving violations include parking violations, vehicle safety violations and expired registration. As you can see, the issue is usually minor one and can be solved by your court date. So, let us take a look at the actual consequences.
The answer to the question in the first paragraph is in fact simple. No, in most cases a non-moving violation will not have any effect on your insurance rates. However, in a case where this violation has taken place plenty of times, the insurance company might take notice of it. For example, having too many parking tickets can eventually result in a higher insurance rate but this can rarely happen. In fact, insurance companies do not even care about the non-moving violations in the first place. It is simply too much work for such a thing. What about your driving record?
Well, the answer is quite similar to the first question. No, this violation will not have any effect on your driving record. However, there are certain problems you might face if things happen quite often. Certain states will not allow you to renew your driving license unless you have a low number of unpaid parking tickets. This means that you have to be aware of all the laws in different states because you might get a ticket in Philadelphia and you have a license in a different state. This is yet another thing you must take into consideration when choosing an insurance.
Another point we must mention is that there are certain fines that can be reduced to non-moving violation. For example, getting a speeding ticket is worse than getting such a violation. So, many people have been wondering whether it is possible to reduce the speeding ticket to a non-moving violation? Well, we can say that this is possible but it does not usually happen. In order to get such a reduction, you must have a decent traffic lawyer. He is going to take care of everything and even though you have to pay some extra cash, it is going to be well worth it.